رسالة المركز

العدد العـاشــر

في هذا العدد



     Everyone needs a minimum portion of vitamin B3 to maintain a good physical and mental condition, this happens because this vitamin has an important role in obtaining energy. The consumption of alcohol, contraceptive pills can cause a deficit of vitamin B3.

     Besides participating in the processes of obtaining energy, vitamin B3 reduce cholesterol in high dozes; it has a preventive role in the cardiovascular illnesses; it is used to control the mental disorders, as emotional instability, persecution complex and feelings of insecurity.

     It makes part of the digestive process and prevents gastrointestinal disorders; it participates in the synthesis of several hormones, specially sexual ones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and the thyroids and insulin; it is the principal element against an  illness  that  appears  in

the skin because of lack of this vitamin or the incapacity of the body to convert the tryptophan an amino acid into niacin, one of the forms of vitamin B3.

     So, for the body to act correctly, it is necessary that  adults should take vitamin B3 in a dose of 15 to 20 mg a day and children younger than 10 from 6 to 8 mg. Of course in the cases the body has a great lack of the vitamin, a person can take bigger doses between 50 and 100 mg without putting their health at risk.
When the doses of vitamin B3 taken daily exceed 100 mg, it can cause a vasodilator effect that causes itching, burning sensation on the skin and nausea, or it can also make a stomach ulcer which if it already exists, it can get worse, cause liver problems, diabetes or arthritis.           Remember that big quantities of vitamin B3 only should be taken under medical supervision.

     While the specialist doesn’t consider necessary that a person takes higher doses or supplements of vitamin B3, the daily required amount for the body can be found in food such as milk, eggs, salmon, sardines, tuna, beef liver, rabbit, whole rice, wheat germ, potatoes, pear, grapes, peanut, pumpkin, spinach.





      Pangamic acid is still a fairly controversial vitamin. The quotation marks suggest that we are not sure whether it is a vitamin. It has not yet been shown to be essential in the diet (vitamins must be supplied from external sources), and no symptoms or deficiency diseases are clearly revealed in restricted consumption 

     Pangamic acid was first isolated in 1951 from apricot. It is also found in whole grains such as brown rice, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Water and direct sunlight may reduce the potency and availability of B15 in these foods.

     Pangamic acid is mainly helps in the formation of certain amino acids such as methionine. It may play role in the oxidation of glucose and in cell respiration. By this function, it may reduce hypoxia in cardiac and other muscles. It acts as an antioxidant, helping to lengthen cell life through its protection from oxidation. Pangamic acid is also thought to offer mild stimulation to the endocrine and nervous systems, and by enhancing liver function, it may help in the detoxification process. Pangamic acid has been shown to lower blood cholesterol, so it could provide some nutritional support for those with high serum cholesterol or cardiovascular problems or to reduce heart and blood vessel disease risks. It may also help improve circulation and general oxygenation of cells and tissues, so it may be used with any decreased cardiac or brain functions. Pangamic acid may be helpful in general for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

     In Europe vitamin B15 has been used to treat premature aging, because of circulatory stimulus and its antioxidant effect. It is found to be a helpful protectant from pollutants, especially carbon monoxide. Pangamic acid supports for anyone living in a large polluted city or with a high-stress life style could be a wave of the future. There are no known toxic effects from even high amounts of pangamic acid, 50-100 mg (and even more) taken three times daily have revealed no side effects. REFERENCE:





      The connection between vitamin D deficiency and two bowel diseases occur in one out of every 1,000 people in North America and Europe

     Vitamin D deficiency worsens the symptoms of chron’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Treatment with vitamin D for as little as two weeks lessens the symptoms of these inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

     Vitamin D deficiency is more common in people who have IBD. In addition, the anti-inflammatory drugs often used to treat IBD can cause bone loss as a side effect. Vitamin D taken in combination with these drugs may be able to reduce the effective dose of anti-inflammatory needed to treat the disease and decrease bone loss as well as treat the vitamin deficiency.

     The researchers point out that these factors suggest that vitamin D and IBD are linked. For example, IBD was shown to be more prevalent in North America and Northern Europe, which receive less sunlight. Vitamin D is manufactured in the skin on exposure to sunlight and people make significantly less in northern climates, especially in the winter. The incidence of IBD in Canada, for example, is the highest in the world.






     New research is demonstrating that vitamin E and other nutritional supplements may be very helpful in preventing prostate cancer. This is important information since prostate cancer. This is important since prostate cancer is the second most common cancer death for men behind lung cancer. In addition to vitamin E supplements, selenium is identified as mineral that works with vitamin E to counteract prostate cancer, adequate vitamin D may also be protective. The newsletter of nutrition also lists the following items as beneficial in lowering the risk of the second leading cancer killer among men: Avoiding a high – fat diet, especially dietary intake that is rich in red meat and other sources of animal fat. Eating lots of fruits, vegetable. In particular, eating tomatoes and tomato sauce, which contain lycopene, a carotenoid that appears to help prevent prostate cancer. Watermelon and pink grapefruit are also good sources of lycopene. It seems wise that all middle-aged men need to consider serious nutritional supplementation to ward off the possibility of developing prostate cancer. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is a simple and effective way of maintaining excellent general and prostate health.                     




فيتامين ب3 يحافظ علي صحتك

يحتاج الإنسان إلي جزء ولو ضئيل من فيتامين ب3 ليحافظ على الصحة الجسدية والعقلية حيث إنه يلعب دوراً مهماً في الإمداد بالطاقة. وتعاطي الكحول أو أخذ حبوب منع الحمل أو الحبوب المنومة يؤدي إلي نقص فيتامين ب3. ويستخدم فيتامين  ب3 لعلاج بعض أمراض الجهاز الدوري حيث إنه يقلل من مستوى الكوليسترول في الدم كما يشارك في تخليق عدد من الهرمونات وبالأخص الجنسية. ويوجد فيتامين   ب3 في العديد من الأغذية مثل اللبن والبيض والخميرة والكمثرى والعنب والفول السوداني والطماطم والبطاطس.    


حمض البانجاميك (فيتامين ب15)


تم استخراج فيتامين ب15 المعروف باسم حمض البانجاميك عام 1951 من المشمش وقد وجد أيضاً في الحبوب الكاملة مثل الأرز البني والقرع وحبوب دوار الشمس ويساعد  حمض البانجاميك على تكوين بعض الأحماض الأمينية مثل الميثايونين كما يساعد في أكسدة الجلوكوز وتنفس الخلية وهذا يجعل له دوراً هاماً في تقليل نقص الأكسجين في عضلات القلب والعضلات الأخرى كما أن له تأثيراً مضاداً للأكسدة ويساعد أيضاً على تحفيز الغدد الصماء والجهاز العصبي كما يحسن  وظائف  الكبد  ويقلل الكوليستيرول في

الدم وكذلك يساعد على طرد السموم من الجسم ويستخدم في أوربا لعلاج الشيخوخة المبكرة ولا يوجد أي أضرار من استخدام كميات كبيرة منه قد تصل إلى 50-100 مج أو أكثر 3 مرات يومياً.



العلاقة بين نقص فيتامين د وأمراض التهابات الأمعاء


 لوحظ أن نقص فيتامين د يؤدى إلى تفاقم أعراض مرض كرونز وأعراض التهاب القولون التقرحية وأن العلاج بفيتامين د لمدة أسبوعين على الأقل يؤدى إلى تحسن ملحوظ في هذه الأعراض. وقد لوحظ أن أمراض التهابات الأمعاء أكثر انتشاراً في شمال أمريكا

مما قد يؤدي إلى نقص في تخليق فيتامين د عن طريق الجلد.


طرق التغذية السليمة تساعد في منع سرطان البروستاتا

أوضحت دراسة جديدة أن الأغذية الغنية بفيتامين وكذلك بعناصر أخرى مثل السيلينيوم وفيتامين د ذات أثر فعال في منع الإصابة بسرطان البروستاتا والذي يعتبر ثاني أكبر مسبب للوفاة في الرجال بعد سرطان الرئة كما وجد أيضاً أن من العوامل التي تقلل من الإصابة بهذا النوع من السرطان تجنب الأغذية الغنية بالدهون والإكثار من تناول الفواكه والحبوب والخضراوات والأسماك.